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HomeWisconsin Political News & Local Government News19th Senate District E-Update: March 3, 2023

19th Senate District E-Update: March 3, 2023

This week I enjoyed meeting with and speaking with various constituents, health care associations, the Dean of Marquette school of Nursing, and legislators to continue working on bringing legislation forward that will combat the increasing costs in healthcare and the workforce shortage that is affecting every industry.

This past Wednesday, the Senate Committee on Health met for the first time this session. It was my first time chairing a committee. We held a public hearing on two bills and seven appointees. To find out more, go here: Senate Public Hearing

Thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to come and testify!


Community Events

Here is a list of some events happening around our area in the next few weeks. If you have an event you would like included in future e-updates, email us here!
Saturday, March 4th: Art Activity Day
Tuesday, March 7th: Holy Hour with Adoration
Wednesday, March 8th: Fox Valley Women’s Connection Luncheon & Explore Starting a Business
Thursday, March 9th: Open Chest Nights
Friday, February 3rd: The Price is Right
Source: Future Neenah, Happening Next, Downtown Appleton
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