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- Governor Evers Refers to Women as “Inseminated Persons”
- Session (2/19)
- Thank You Lakeshore College! (2/18)
- Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation Meeting (2/18)
- In-District Events
Governor Evers Refers to Women as “Inseminated Persons”
Last week, Governor Evers introduced a biennial budget proposal that replaces mother with “inseminated person” and “person” for man.
The section of the bill dealing with challenges to a child’s paternity also substitutes “parentage” for “paternity” and replaces the word “father” with terms like “natural parenhttps://appletonwi.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforms-overviewt” more than 100 times.
Here is an example of some of the language:
Every time I think the governor cannot surprise me, he does something even more outrageous. This stunt is the latest attack from the far left to erase mothers and fathers, the institution of marriage, and the family unit in the state of Wisconsin. If Governor Evers can reduce the beauty and uniqueness of motherhood to an ‘inseminated person,’ it just goes to show how out of touch and irrational he and the Democratic Party have become.
Session (2/19)
Last Wednesday, the legislature passed a comprehensive package of bills aimed at reforming education in Wisconsin. While I did not vote in favor of every bill presented, I’m hopeful to see these bills improve Wisconsin’s education system by providing transparency and higher standards in the classroom.
AB 1 addresses the recent change to student and school assessment criteria by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Assessment changes remove Wisconsin schools from any kind of comparison from year to year, or comparison with other states based on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
To hear me speak on AB 1, click here.
AB 2 requires school boards to adopt a policy that prohibits pupils from using wireless communication devices during instructional time at school by July 1, 2026. The ban must include cellular phones, tablet computers, laptop computers, and gaming devices.
AB 3 requires the inclusion of cursive writing in the model academic standards for English language arts by the state superintendent of public instruction.
While I generally support the idea, I voted no because, as written, there are strings on school choice that I do not agree with. Including strings is a slippery slope we do not want to go down.
AB 4 requires local school boards to include civics instruction in their curriculum for grades K-12. Currently, three credits of social studies are required for high school graduation.
I voted no for the same reason as AB 3. We do not want strings on school choice.
AB 5 requires school boards to comply with a school district resident’s written request to inspect curricula or instructional materials used in a school within the school district no later than 14 days after the school board receives the written request
AB 6 requires school boards to allocate a minimum of 70% of their operating expenditures toward direct classroom expenses and limits the annual salary increases for school administrators to no more than the percentage given to the teachers in that school district.
Thank You Lakeshore College! (2/18)
Last Tuesday, a few student leaders from Lakeshore College stopped by to discuss key issues impacting education and the workforce. Thanks for stopping by!
Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation Meeting (2/18)
Also last Tuesday, the Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation stopped in to discuss the important issues affecting the bleeding disorders community of Wisconsin. It was a great conversation!

In-District Events
Saturday, March 8th, will be the Two Rivers 5th Annual Trap Shoot (Westshore Sportsman’s Club) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 15th, is the 1000 Island Pancake/Porkie Breakfast from 9 a.m. to noon at 1000 Island Environmental Center in Kaukauna.
Sunday, March 23rd, is the Annual Pancake Breakfast from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Menchalville Fire Department (15331 County Rd K, Reedsville).