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HomeWisconsin Political News & Local Government News2nd Assembly District Update: September 6, 2023

2nd Assembly District Update: September 6, 2023

Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection

Welcome back! Last week was a busy one. To kick off the week, I testified before the Senate Elections Committee on SB 283 and SB 334. These two pieces of legislation are part of an election reform package that I have been working closely on with Representative Ortiz-Velez (D) for the past several months.

SB 283 states if a municipality broadcasts canvassing proceedings live in any election, including by live stream on the Internet, the municipality must record the broadcast, and the municipal clerk must retain the recording for 22 months. This allows the public to have another mechanism to verify that a part of our election process was conducted fairly. We made a minor change to this bill to address the governor’s concerns.

SB 334 serves two primary goals: to maintain accountability and avoid any future misuse of campaign funds by public office candidates, and to redistribute donations back to individuals. Once someone is adjudicated guilty of certain campaign finance laws, this bill would require the court to order the person’s campaign account be dissolved and to appoint a new treasurer who will only be allowed to return the campaign funds to donors or donate the funds to the common school fund in accordance with the dissolution order.

Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections Public Hearing

On Wednesday, I also had the opportunity to testify on two election bills with Rep. Ortiz-Velez before the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections. One was SB 334, which was heard in the Senate, and the other was AB 330.

AB 330 was created in response to a situation where a 2023 school board candidate was removed from the ballot because 400 valid signatures were not found within the first 800 provided, and the additional supplemental signatures that remained were not counted. Although this individual would have had over 400 valid signatures had the additional signatures been counted, those were considered invalid and therefore unusable. Those involved in this debacle cited that state law and administrative code are gray on the issue. To clear things up, we introduced this bill to provide the clarification needed for local clerks on how to count all valid signatures required for ballot placement.

Joint Public Hearing on Sporting Heritage Committee

The Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Sporting Heritage held a joint public hearing on deer population issues affecting Northern Wisconsin.

Last Thursday, the Committee on Sporting Heritage held a joint public hearing in Park Falls to hear from those who are concerned with the ongoing deer population issues affecting Northern Wisconsin. I appreciated the opportunity to listen and chat with invited speakers who spoke on ways to maximize a healthy deer population in our state.

Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) Responders Grant

The WPS Foundation awarded a record $80,000 to local first responders through its 10th annual Rewarding Responders Grant program. This program helps public safety agencies receive lifesaving equipment and training and is one of the many ways WPS makes the safety of its employees and communities a critical focus every day.

Congratulations to our local departments who received this grant:
Greenleaf Volunteer Fire Department
Two Rivers Police Department
Wrightstown Fire Department
Denmark Volunteer Fire Department

Agencies may receive a grant if they operate in the WPS service area, did not receive a grant during the previous year, complete an online grant application, and demonstrate the equipment or training they will acquire is part of a well-planned effort to improve public safety. Grants may also be put toward unique, safety-related projects that are one-time efforts. Eligible emergency response agencies can apply for up to $2,000 in funding through the annual grant program. To learn more information about the grant, visit WPS Rewarding Responders Grant | WEC (

What's Happening: Events in Wisconsin's 2nd Assembly District.
What’s Happening: Events in Wisconsin’s 2nd Assembly District.

In-District Events

The first annual Heiknbrew will be Friday, September 8th, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 3000 Hawthorne Ave. in Two Rivers. For more information regarding this event, visit

Saturday, September 9th, will be the Firefest at the Wayside Volunteer Fire Department from 1 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Saturday, September 9th, will be the Tisch Mills 12th Annual Fireman’s Fall Festival at the Tisch Mills Fire Station. Food and drinks will begin at 4 p.m., with music performing from 7 to 11 p.m.

Saturday, September 16th, will be the 2023 Fall Gun Show from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Wrightstown American Legion (924 Main St, Wrightstown).

Saturday, September 16th, will be the Ethnic Fest in Downtown Two Rivers from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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