Governor Evers again vetoed what would have been a major tax-cut for Wisconsinites, bringing his record on taxes from bad to worse. The “Returning Your Surplus” legislation I introduced this session would have done exactly that — return Wisconsin’s budget surplus back to the people it belongs to: the taxpayers. With this veto, he eliminated $722 in savings for the average filer, during a time of record high inflation in the state and across the country.
I’m hopeful that next session, the Governor will reverse his concerning record on tax-cuts and do what’s right for Wisconsinites.
Upcoming Turkey Hunt
Turkey hunting season is just around the corner! For information on regulations, zones, and licenses, visit the DNR’s page on turkey hunting here: https://dnr.wisconsin.
Request a Wisconsin Blue Book
You can now request a 2023-24 Wisconsin Blue Book! Blue Books are a fantastic resource to learn about Wisconsin’s government, geography, history, and so much more. And, they’re FREE! If you would like a Blue Book, email my office at Rep.Steffen@legis.
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My office is always available to help with any state-related questions or concerns you may have. You can reach my office at (608) 237-9104, or email me at [email protected].