Meeting with Energy & Utility Folks
This week I met with folks from the Customers First Coalition to discuss the most pressing issues in the energy and utility industries. We discussed customer rate changes, challenges facing these industries, and how we can better serve energy consumers in Wisconsin. It is always helpful to have conversations like these with the people closest to this industry. As chairman of the Assembly Committee on Energy & Utilities, these discussions provide valuable insight to help me lead this committee.
Capitol Christmas Tree Facts
This year’s Capitol Christmas Tree was donated by Marge Van Heuklon of Rhinelander after it started blocking the view from her living room windows. It was nicknamed “Mr Frank” by the previous homeowners, in honor of their family member Frank Magnus, a WWII veteran and dairy farmer. Thanks for the donation Marge!
Above you can see a slice from past Christmas trees dating back to 1980. Each ring on a sample represents a year in that tree’s life. The farther apart the rings are, the healthier the tree’s growing climate. This year’s tree is the biggest yet!
Request a Wisconsin Blue Book!
You can now request a 2023-24 Wisconsin Blue Book! Blue Books are a fantastic resource to learn about Wisconsin’s government, geography, history, and so much more. And, they’re FREE! If you would like a Blue Book, email my office at Rep.Steffen@legis.
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My office is always available to help with any state-related questions or concerns you may have. You can reach my office at (608) 237-9104, or email me at [email protected].