Assembly Passes Bill to Protect Students
This week the Assembly met for two floor sessions on Tuesday and Thursday. During Thursday’s floor session, the bill I authored with Senator Wimberger to ban strip searches of students passed unanimously and will now be sent to the Governor to be signed. This legislation was created out of necessity when a loophole in state law allowed for several teenage female students to be stripped down to their underwear and searched in a school district in Northeast Wisconsin. Under current law, strip searching a student is illegal. However, Wisconsin’s definition of a “strip search” doesn’t include stripping down to underwear. In order to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future, this bill will expand the definition of a “strip search” to include searches that would require a student to strip down to their underwear. Expanding the definition will prevent school officials from conducting intrusive strip searches. This is a common-sense update to our state law to protect the dignity and safety of our kids while at school, and I’m pleased that my Assembly and Senate colleagues agree with me on this change.
Click here to watch my speech on the floor.
Tax Season Around the Corner
With the deadline to file your taxes coming up in a few months, it’s best to be prepared ahead of time! I wanted to pass along some helpful resources from the Department of Revenue’s website relating to tax filing. If you’re interested in learning more about your tax refund, filing electronically, or how to log in to your tax account, click the link below or the image above for more info.
Request a Wisconsin Blue Book
You can now request a 2023-24 Wisconsin Blue Book! Blue Books are a fantastic resource to learn about Wisconsin’s government, geography, history, and so much more. And, they’re FREE! If you would like a Blue Book, email my office at Rep.Steffen@legis.
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My office is always available to help with any state-related questions or concerns you may have. You can reach my office at (608) 237-9104, or email me at [email protected].