Tax-Free Retirement for Wisconsin
Big news for Wisconsin taxpayers this week! My Assembly colleagues and I unveiled a package of tax bills that will help keep more of your money in your pocket. I am authoring a bill that would create tax-free retirement in Wisconsin.
This bill is an updated version of the proposal I released earlier this session, with a few tweaks to broaden its reach. The proposal I’m authoring would exempt the first $75,000 of retirement income for individuals age 65 or older, and the first $150,000 for married-joint filers. Nine other states currently don’t have an income tax at all, and an additional four states (including our neighbors, Illinois and Iowa) explicitly do not tax retirement income.
This much-needed change would make Wisconsin a more attractive place to live, work, and retire. I look forward to championing this bill through both chambers and to the Governor’s desk.
Empowering Victims of Child Trafficking
This week I testified before the Assembly Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on the bill I authored to empower victims of child sex trafficking. This bill would expand the legal options for child trafficking victims in 2 important ways:
- It increases the statute of limitations for civil action brought forth by victims of child sex trafficking to age 35. Currently, victims only have a very narrow window of three years after they were trafficked to pursue civil action.
- It allows child trafficking victims to pursue civil action regardless of whether someone has been criminally convicted or prosecuted in their case. Currently, victims can only pursue civil action if someone has already been criminally convicted or prosecuted.
I’m grateful for the chance to advocate for this important bill, and am especially pleased it received such strong, bipartisan support.
Request a Wisconsin Blue Book
You can now request a 2023-24 Wisconsin Blue Book! Blue Books are a fantastic resource to learn about Wisconsin’s government, geography, history, and so much more. And, they’re FREE! If you would like a Blue Book, email my office at Rep.Steffen@legis.
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My office is always available to help with any state-related questions or concerns you may have. You can reach my office at (608) 237-9104, or email me at [email protected].