I would like to introduce you to my legislative assistant, Jorge Villarreal; He has been with my office since May 4th. He is here to assist me in best serving you and running the office whenever I am not in Madison.
He is a veteran of the United States Air Force where he studied Modern Standard Arabic at the Defense Language Institute. He has previously worked for members of the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
I had the opportunity to attend the Wisconsin Department of Transportation legislative briefing on Thursday, Rebuilding Together Fox Valley’s National Rebuilding Day and the Neenah-Menasha’s Armed Forces Day event on Saturday, a tour of Neenah Lutheran School Monday, and Fire OPS 101 this morning.
Last Wednesday night, the Wisconsin State Assembly passed the amended version of AB 245 “The Shared Revenue Bill”, it will increase state aid to local governments by a minimum of 15%, and will help our municipalities which have been underfunded for far too long.
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I would greatly appreciate if you would follow me on social media. I’m on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. My legislative website can be found at: https://legis.wisconsin.gov/