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HomeWisconsin Political News & Local Government News5th Assembly District Update: November 10, 2023

5th Assembly District Update: November 10, 2023

Veteran’s Day is Saturday, November 11th.

Thank a Veteran for your Freedom.
Click the image below to link to A History of Veteran’s Day.

Speakers Committee on Human Trafficking

Click on the headline to link to the Speaker’s Committee on Human Trafficking website.

Wisconsin State Rep. Joy Goeben listens to testimony before the Speakers Committee on Human Trafficking at UW-Milwaukee.
Wisconsin State Rep. Joy Goeben listens to testimony before the Speakers Committee on Human Trafficking at UW-Milwaukee.

Wisconsin State Rep. Joy Goeben's letterhead

Assembly Children and Families Committee

Wisconsin State Rep. Joy Goeben attended an Executive Hearing of the Assembly Children and Families Committee.

On Thursday, Rep. Goeben attended an Executive Hearing of the Assembly Children and Families Committee, where she voted on the following proposed legislation.

Assembly Bill 251
Relating to: a tier I license issued by the Department of Public Instruction and modifying administrative rules promulgated by the Department of Public Instruction.

Assembly Bill 336
Relating to: a grant program for financial assistance for adoption and making an appropriation.

Assembly Bill 369
Relating to: newborn infant safety devices under the safe haven law.

Assembly Bill 557
Relating to: inclusion of like-kin as an option for with whom children may be placed out of their home under certain circumstances and who may receive kinship care payments.

Assembly Bills Passed on November 7th

AJR85 – This joint resolution commemorates November 7, 2023, as Victims of Communism Memorial Day.

AB95 – Provides that if someone has been removed from local office, for cause, they are ineligible to hold that office in the future.

AB98 – Relates to signs along snowmobile trails that advertise nearby businesses.

AB136 – Dam safety grant program, relating to financial assistance limits for dam removal.

AB157 – The DNR will be required to create a single report every 2 years that outlines goals and priorities for habitat work on lands and division oversees.

AB171 – Relating to eligibility for local wildlife control grants.

AB174 – Relating to nuisance wildlife management at airports.

AB238 – Relating to: software, communications equipment, and maps for nonprofit organizations that promote the operation of all-terrain and utility terrain vehicles.

AB284 – Under this bill, a federally recognized American Indian Tribe or band in this state would be authorized to install and maintain a “tribal nation welcome sign.”

AB370 – Guaranteed admission to University of Wisconsin System institutions and technical colleges and requiring high schools to prepare class rankings for certain pupils.

AB545 – This bill adds US citizenship to the list of requirements for serving
on a Wisconsin Technical College Board. These boards are able to
levy taxes.

AB546 – Ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of
Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Association, for the
2023-25 biennium, covering employees in the public safety
collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.

AB547 – Ratification of the agreement negotiated between the State of
Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating
Committee, for the 2023-24 fiscal year, covering employees in the
building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an
expenditure of funds.

AB548 – Requiring the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to
create the Wisconsin-Ireland Trade Commission.

AB549 – Relating to: grants related to technical college manufacturing and
truck driving programs and making an appropriation.

AB550 – Relating to: technical education equipment grants, extending the
time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption
from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation.

AB551 – Relating to: freedom of speech and of the press in school-sponsored

AB553 – Relating to: free speech and academic freedom at University of
Wisconsin System institutions and technical colleges, due process in
disciplinary proceedings at University of Wisconsin System
institutions and technical colleges, Wisconsin grant funding
allocation, and causes of action against the Board of Regents of the
University of Wisconsin System and technical college district boards.

AB554 – Relating to: race-based higher education programs and

Assembly Bills Passed on November 9th

AJR76 Relating to: eligibility to vote in Wisconsin (second consideration).

AJR77 Relating to: prohibiting state and local governments from using
privately sourced money or equipment in connection with the conduct of
elections and specifying who may perform tasks related to the conduct of an election

AJR78 Relating to: requiring photographic identification to vote in any election

AJR88 Relating to: declaring the brandy old-fashioned as Wisconsin’s state

AB38 Relating to: absentee ballot request and return confirmation.

AB93 Relating to: verifying citizenship of individuals on the official voter
registration list and contents of operator’s licenses and identification

AB282 Relating to: broadcasting election night proceedings.

AB298 Relating to: polling place closures.
AB330 Relating to: the number of signatures on nomination papers.

AB335 Relating to: judgments concerning a candidate’s felony violation of
certain campaign finance or election fraud laws.

AB396 Relating to: fees for obtaining the official voter registration list.

AB441 Relating to: timeline for sending or transmitting presidential preference
primary absentee ballots.

AB476 Relating to: filling vacancies in elective state offices in the executive branch.

AB493 Relating to: counting write-in votes in the general election.

AB494 Relating to: status as an indefinitely confined voter for purposes of
automatically receiving absentee ballots and providing a penalty.

AB543 Relating to: election observers and providing a penalty.

AB552 Relating to: setting a maximum age for serving as a supreme court
justice or judge of a court of record.

AB567 Relating to: transmitting and canvassing absentee ballots, use of central
counting locations, election night reporting, whistleblower protection for
municipal clerks, notifications and verifications concerning citizenship
status, court determinations of incompetency and ineligibility to vote,
and providing a penalty.

AB570 Relating to: certain kinds of election fraud, defects on absentee ballot
certificates, returning absentee ballots to the office of the municipal
clerk, appointment of election officials, allowing an employee of a
residential care facility or qualified retirement home to serve as a
personal care voting assistant during a public health emergency or an
incident of infectious disease, and providing a penalty.

AB571 Relating to: maintenance of the voter registration list, training of
municipal clerks, data sharing agreements, pre-election procedures, lines
at the polls on election day, and granting rule-making authority.

AB572 Relating to: absentee voting in certain residential care facilities and
retirement homes and court determinations of incompetency and
ineligibility to vote.

AB577 (Goeben) Relating to: an election official’s personal information; battery
against election officials; whistleblower protection for municipal
clerks, county clerks, and election officials who witness and report election fraud or irregularities; harassing election officials; and
providing a penalty.

Wisconsin State Rep. Joy Goeben issued a press release after passage of her election worker protection bill.

2023-24 State of Wisconsin Blue Books are here.

Blue Books are Here!

District #5 Residents, please contact my office for your copy while supplies last.

Click Here to Follow My Work in the Assembly

Upcoming Events in District 5

Freedom Soup Contest-Sponsored by the Freedom Wrestling Club: November 11th, 2023
6:00 PM at Buzz’s – W2116 Cty Rd S, Freedom.

Hobart Fire Station-Open House: November 11th, 2023
12:00 noon – 2703 South Pine Tree Road

Shop the Block: November 11th, 2023
9:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Seymour, WI

Opening Day for Gun Deer Hunting: November 18th
Information on hunting rules, regulations, and tag purchase options from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
DNR website:

Freedom Christmas Parade: December 2th, 2023
6:00PM Freedom, WI
The parade begins at Freedom High School traveling down Highway E to Tralee Lane to Killarney Lane to Garvey Avenue to County Road S to Highway 55 and back to the Freedom High School.

Kaukauna Christmas Parade: December 5th, 2023
Kaukauna, WI
Shop the Block

Do you know of an event in District 5?

Please contact my office with any upcoming events. I look forward to sharing your event details in the next Goeben Gazette.

Click Here to Sign Up for My E-Update

Contact Information

My staff and I are here to serve you. If you have general questions or concerns regarding legislative matters, or if you need assistance with a state agency, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you!

We are also happy to schedule a meeting with you, either here in Madison, or in District 5.

Representative Joy Goeben
State Capitol, Room 209 North
PO Box 8952
Madison, WI 53708
[email protected]
(608) 237-9105 or Toll Free (888) 534-0005

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