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HomeWisconsin State Government4th Assembly District Update: March 4, 2024

4th Assembly District Update: March 4, 2024

Governor Evers Vetoes Tax-Free Retirement for Wisconsin

Governor Evers vetoed the proposal I introduced to create a tax-free retirement for Wisconsin retirees. Below is my statement on this disappointing move by the Governor:

“In the aftermath of historic inflation, Governor Evers continues to support higher taxes in Wisconsin. His action could not be more out of touch. Thanks to his veto, retirees on average will pay $1,582 more in 2024 taxes.

“This is the third tax-free retirement proposal I’ve authored this session—a testament to mine and the Legislature’s good-faith effort to negotiate and find middle ground. Unfortunately, the Governor would rather continue to play politics at the very real expense of Wisconsinites.

“Through his veto, Evers has in essence delivered a shocking and shameful message: retirees don’t need to keep more of their own money, they just need more government. I couldn’t be in greater disagreement with the Governor’s sentiment and I couldn’t be more disappointed for the residents of Wisconsin.”

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