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HomeOpinionTammy Baldwin Is Running from Joe Biden but She Has No Place...

Tammy Baldwin Is Running from Joe Biden but She Has No Place to Hide

When Joe Biden touched down in Madison for a scripted campaign rally after his disastrous debate against Donald Trump he was flanked by almost all of the big names in the Wisconsin Democratic Party. Notably missing was Senator Tammy Baldwin. In fact, she has managed to avoid all 5 of Biden’s recent stops in Wisconsin. A reporter from WLUK caught up with her campaigning in Northeastern Wisconsin and pressed her hard for her thoughts on whether Biden is cognitively unfit for the presidency and should step aside. Though in the past she has referred to Joe Biden as the most accomplished president in a generation, she refused to offer an opinion. The most the reporter could get her to say is “It’s not my decision” and “I’m focused on my own campaign.” There are reasons for her nonanswer.

It’s election year and Tammy Baldwin is executing her all too familiar strategy to dupe Wisconsin voters into electing her for a third six-year term in the United States Senate. She is the epitome of a career politician, having been elected to local and state offices in Wisconsin and then to the House of Representatives and Senate since 1986 when she was 24 years old.

Tammy Baldwin’s reelection game plan is to deceive Wisconsin voters into believing that she is just a down-home girl with midwestern sensibilities while bearing responsibility for the destructive liberal policies that are causing real harm to the American people. Her pattern is to fly under the radar during most of her term, quietly casting votes that impose a radically liberal agenda on the country. When it is time to campaign, she resurfaces and, with help from the corrupt media, tells a story of her service to Wisconsin that bears no resemblance to the truth.

One of her latest campaign ads touts her efforts to crack down on the fentanyl that has flooded our country, killing many, while it is her support of the open border that allowed it in the first place. Last week, a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article informed readers that Baldwin “passed along Wisconsin voters’ concerns to the White House regarding President Joe Biden’s ability to lead the country….” If Wisconsin voters are able to determine that Biden is unfit for office from our limited exposure, Baldwin is certainly aware given her front row seat for nearly 4 years. She witnessed the severity of his decline firsthand and had the responsibility to do her part to protect the country from an unfit President. Instead, even now, she refuses to take a position on whether he should step aside.

FiveThirtyEight ranks members of Congress on how often they vote with Joe Biden. Tammy Baldwin has earned a ranking of 96%, nearly perfect. Joe Biden, with Tammy Baldwin’s unwavering support, has plagued the country with misery and threat. We have high prices that are crushing average Americans, open borders admitting millions of illegal migrants, oppressive green regulation, infringement on individual liberty, unaddressed crime, and national security risks.

Wisconsin is far from a liberal state, yet Baldwin holds the distinction as one of the most liberal members of Congress. Voteview, a publication of the UCLA Political Sciences Department, rates her the 6th most liberal Senator in Congress and Americans for Democratic Action, which describes itself as “a home for liberal activists”, gives Baldwin a 100% rating.

For the first time in our lifetime, Americans have the opportunity to evaluate both candidates for President based on what they have done, not just what they say. We have experienced a Donald Trump presidency and a Joe Biden presidency and overwhelmingly rate Trump as the preferred leader on issues that matter most to us. In some of the latest surveys American voters rated Trump over Biden on the economy 46 to 32, on inflation 44 to 30, on immigration 53 to 40 and on national security 52 to 42. Many citizens have been counting the days until they can vote Joe Biden out of office on his record of destruction. The exposure of his dementia during the debate added unfitness to serve to the extreme ideology he has imposed on the American people.

It is more obvious than ever that cheating is the only path to victory for Joe Biden. The zeal with which his supporters are trying to gaslight the public about Biden’s impaired condition, despite 52 million Americans having seen it for themselves during the debate, leaves no doubt about their willingness to cheat to win. The vulnerabilities of our election system have been well documented, with the millions of ineligible voter names the Wisconsin Elections Commission maintains on the Registered Voter lists the priority concern. The legislature continues to ignore this massive reservoir of names available for sophisticated hacking despite unrelenting calls from citizens to purge them. A free and fair election in Wisconsin remains in question. Stay on your legislators to fix the system.

The Wisconsin electorate is signaling it will choose Donald Trump over Joe Biden in November. Tammy Baldwin is desperately running away from Joe but she has no place to hide. Her record confirms she has been one of Joe Biden’s greatest enablers and, if reelected, she will be one of the greatest obstacles to Donald Trump doing what Wisconsin voters send him to Washington to do. We have a clear choice. Eric Hovde will stand solidly with Donald Trump in reclaiming our country. It’s time to retire Tammy Baldwin and send Eric Hovde to the United States Senate to represent our interests. He will work with Donald Trump every day to make America great again.

Postscript: Yesterday Donald Trump was spared by the grace of God from being murdered by a 20-year-old assassin. We will be learning the truth about exactly what happened in the coming days. For now, we do know that our commitment to the ideals that make America great is unwavering and the need to change the direction of our country is clear. God bless America and all who love freedom and want to live in peace.

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