Tuesday, October 15, 2024


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The Truth and Good Judgment Will Take Us Where We Need To Go

Kamala Harris wants be President of the United States. Tammy Baldwin wants a third term as Senator from Wisconsin. They are running from their records and both know that we would have to believe their lies and act on emotion to vote for them in November.

We live the truth every day.

  • Food prices are up 25% from 2019 to 2023. My husband and I went to a drive-in recently and 2 burgers with fries and malts cost us $41.
    Transportation costs are up 27% in the same time period. This month the national average for a gallon of gas is $3.23. In 2022 the national average for gas peaked at $4.99 a gallon. In April 2020, Wisconsin gas was $1.29 a gallon, the cheapest in the nation.
  • The average home price in Wisconsin has increased 65% from 2020 to 2023 according to the Realtors Association and the Wisconsin Policy Forum.
  • Since March 2020, the Feds have raised interest rates 11 times. Interest on a 30-year fixed mortgage was 2.65% in January 2021. In October 2023, that same mortgage had an interest rate of 7.79%.
  • Balances on credit cards are up 45% since 2021 and the delinquency rate is the highest it has been since 2011. In the latest Marquette University Law Poll, 55% of Wisconsin respondents said they are just getting by or struggling.
  • A federal judge just ruled it is unconstitutional for an Indiana prison to deny transgender surgery to a man serving a 55-year sentence for strangling his 11-month-old stepdaughter. The judge agreed the surgery is a “medical necessity.”
  • It is estimated that far more than 10 million people have entered the country illegally during the Biden/Harris administration. Detention space was deliberately decreased to force more releases of detainees into the country. Retired San Diego Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke recently testified before Congress that the number of Significant Interest Aliens (SIAs), individuals with significant ties to terrorism, entering the country in his sector increased from 10-15 per year prior to the Biden/Harris administration to well over 100 each year since 2022. He further testified the administration instructed him not to release any information on these arrests as they tried to deceive us into believing the border was secure. 1,856 individuals on the terrorist watch list have been detained since 2021. We know nothing about the got aways. Two days ago, US Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) released data on the undetained criminal illegal migrants in the country. Included are more than 13,000 convicted of murder and nearly 16,000 convicted of sexual assault. They are now roaming free. That same day Harris had the gall to travel to the border and pretend she will be a president who will secure the border in a political stunt that reeked of the contempt she has for the American people.
  • The world has become more volatile and dangerous during the Biden/Harris administration. Their weak and ineffective leadership emboldens bad actors across the world. The disastrous pull out from Afghanistan left 13 members of the US military dead and $7.1 billion in military equipment in the hands of the Taliban. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 and, as the war rages on, Biden/Harris restrict how they can use the military weapons the US provides. Nearly a year ago, Hamas attacked Israel killing 1,139 and taking 251 hostages. Today at least 97 hostages remain. Of the 7 who are Americans, 3 are believed to be dead. Hezbollah, based in Lebanon and funded by Iran, has joined Hamas in the fight against Israel. Israel is aggressive in its defense against these terrorists. Fighting is rapidly escalating and war is expanding in the region. As Israel bombs deep inside of Lebanon, killing Hezbollah leaders, Iran is threatening to get involved. Biden/Harris just announced they are sending more US troops to the Middle East.
    Our personal freedoms were trampled on by the Biden/Harris administration with government mandates and censorship of our speech.

We are a deeply divided country. We are not divided by race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, level of education, income, or any other meaningless attribute. Our disagreement is about what it means to live free and it is a division of ideology.

Kamala Harris is a true-blue California liberal. She has been named the 2nd most liberal Democratic Senator to serve in the 21st century. We can look to California to see how her values translate into governance.

Governor Gavin Newsom just signed a bill to ban plastic bags in grocery stores. On April 1, a $20/hour minimum wage was enacted for fast food restaurants and a council was created to set future wages for fast food chains. There have been 1,040 fast food closures since April 1 because they cannot make ends meet.

In 2022, California made stealing less than $950 a misdemeanor. Since then Target, Nordstrom, Whole Foods, Starbucks, Dennys, Macys, Subway, and others have all closed stores due to theft. Kamala Harris has been an ardent supporter of defunding police.

There are 172,000 homeless residents in California. This is 30% of the total homeless population in the country, though California accounts for only 12% of the population. California bureaucrats recently commissioned a study by University of California researchers to understand the problem. 90% of the homeless became homeless while living in California. Margot Kushel, physician and lead investigator described this as a “home grown problem.” The root cause is lack of affordable housing. Kushel added “These are our own policies. We did this to people.” Another true blue liberal, Governor Newsom wants to address the problem by making rent payments part of the health benefits for low-income people.

Kamala Harris’s past performance and campaign promises offer nothing to qualify her for the Presidency. In what was billed as her big economic speech last week, she tried to convince us to believe in her “opportunity economy.” Though short on specifics, it was clear that dependence on the government and mandates will play prominent roles. She will not explain all of the policy reversals she claims to have made from her previously held positions and she accepts no responsibility for the dismal outcomes produced by the Biden/Harris administration. She sows division and animosity as she promises to “make billionaires pay their fair share,” though the top 1% of earners already pay 45% of income tax collected and the bottom half of taxpayers pay 2.3% of income tax collected. She promises to go after the food industry for “price gouging” though it is her administration’s policies that led to runaway inflation. More than any other issue, Harris hopes she can convince the American people that unrestricted access to abortion should be their primary concern. She tries to stoke this issue with lies that Donald Trump wants to take away all access to abortion, birth control and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Tammy Baldwin has been a Wisconsin Senator for 12 years. FiveThirtyEight, a polling website owned by ABC News, ranks her as voting with Biden/Harris 96% of the time and Americans for Democratic Action, a “home for liberal activists” gives Baldwin a 100% rating. She bears significant responsibility for the miserable state of our nation and has no credible case to make to the people of Wisconsin for reelection. Instead, she is attempting to villainize her opponent, Eric Hovde, an American entrepreneur, whose hard work has resulted in business success and wealth. Baldwin’s latest television ad is as dirty as it gets in politics. She strongly implies one of Eric Hovde’s financial institutions is involved in sinister dark money business with a Mexican financial institution that may have drug cartel ties. She is fully aware this is an ugly lie and her willingness to “approve this message” exposes her vile dishonesty to Wisconsin voters. She attempts to tie Hovde to the Fentanyl crisis when it is her support of the open border that has subjected Americans to all of the risks and burdens that resulted from millions of unvetted, illegal migrants flooding the country.

We know what a Kamala Harris presidency will be. We have been living it for nearly four years and the more moderate Joe Biden has actually served as a restraining force on her liberal extremism.

We know what a Donald Trump presidency will be. We lived it for four years. He told us what he would do if elected and he did it. We will enjoy personal freedom, limited government, limited regulation, secure borders, lower taxes, energy independence, a manufacturing resurgence, fair trade, peace through strength and, above all, America first.

Senator Tammy Baldwin would enable a President Harris every step along the way and obstruct a President Trump from doing what we elect him to do. Senator Eric Hovde will apply conservative principles and private sector executive expertise to protect our freedom and support the Trump agenda for the people.

We have the information we need to make the right choices for Wisconsin. Everything else is just noise. The truth and good judgment will take us where we need to go on November 5.

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