Wisconsin voters turned out in a big way for Donald Trump in last November’s Presidential election. Determined to take our country back and in full support of his Make America Great Again agenda, Wisconsinites played a major role in returning Trump to the Oval Office. There was little time to bask in the win as momentum immediately shifted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, a battle for the conservative majority with monumental implications for our freedom. The election of Brad Schimel to the Supreme Court on April 1 is as critical to realizing Donald Trump’s agenda as it is to securing fidelity of Wisconsin’s High Court to the Constitution and the law.
Brad Schimel, a conservative Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge and Susan Crawford, a liberal Dane County Circuit Court Judge are vying for the position on the high court vacated by the retirement of a member of the liberal majority. Schimel and Crawford each have extensive public records that tell the voters exactly who they are and what we can expect from them as a member of the Supreme Court. They present the voters with a stark choice.
Brad Schimel is an attorney who over the past 35 years has been a prosecutor, District Attorney of Waukesha County, Attorney General of Wisconsin and currently, Circuit Court Judge. He is clear and consistent in stressing that a judge must set aside personal policy preferences to adhere strictly to the written law and the Constitution when ruling in all matters before the court. His track record is the evidence he walks his talk. Schimel is tough on crime and consistently concerned with victims’ rights. As a judge, he has never issued a lighter sentence than the prosecutors and victims were seeking.
Susan Crawford has been a Dane County Circuit Court Judge since 2018. Unlike her opponent, she is soft on crime and her track record is riddled with criminal sentences that were less than recommended by prosecutors and victims. When challenged with her record during the candidate debate, she had nothing to offer other than she used her judgment and did what was required by law.
Prior to serving on the court, Crawford was a Partner in Pines Bach, a go-to law firm for liberal causes. Crawford fought for abortion rights; fought to overturn Act 10, the 2011 law that restricted the right of public employees to unionize and required them to contribute to health insurance and other benefits; and fought against the state’s voter ID law. She called voter ID “draconian.” Crawford refuses to commit to recusing herself when issues she fought hard for come before the Supreme Court.
Susan Crawford is a liar. Schimel is unwavering about the principles he will adhere to as a Justice and, with a record to support his claims, Crawford cannot compete. Her record reflects liberal fringe ideology and she is attempting to deflect from it with lies about her opponent.
Crawford is spreading two big lies, and she knows they are lies.
1. Brad Schimel let 6,000 rape kits sit untested for 2 years.
The truth: Brad Schimel made clearing the backlog of untested rape kits a priority when he ran for Attorney General. Nationwide, tens of thousands of rape kits (evidence collected from the victim of a sexual assault) go untested, a crucial step in identifying and prosecuting the perpetrator of the crime. Wisconsin was no exception and when Schimel became Attorney General there were an estimated 6,000 untested kits dating back as far as 1980. The kits sat untested on shelves of law enforcement agencies and hospitals all over the state and had to be located and sent to the state crime lab as a first step. The state received a $4 million grant to assist with the process which required hiring the people to do the work and putting the systems in place that did not exist.
It is noteworthy that at this time Jill Karofsky, who is now one of the liberal Supreme Court Justices, was the Executive Director of the Justice Department’s Office of Crime Victims’ Services. While Crawford seeks to deceive voters into believing the rape kit cleanup project is proof of Brad Schimel’s poor performance, Karofsky was unconcerned with the pace. The Green Bay Press Gazette in January 2016 reported Karofsky said, “The wheels of government don’t always move as quickly as we hope they would. We’re hoping that we are going to move on these soon.”
By the end of Schimel’s term as Attorney General, every kit that needed to be tested had been tested and processes were in place to prevent backlogs in the future. As an advocate for sexual assault victims, Schimel also revised the rules so victims are never billed for a forensic exam after a sexual assault.
2. Brad Schimel supports Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion law which makes all abortions illegal with no exceptions.
The truth: There has been no ambiguity in Brad Schimel’s position on abortion in Wisconsin. The 1849 law that is on the books is valid law because it was passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. At the same time Schimel is clear this law is not consistent with the current thinking of Wisconsin citizens. He is steadfast that he will follow Wisconsin’s abortion law (and all laws) whether passed through legislative action and signature of the governor or a referendum of the people, irrespective of his personal policy preferences. He also points out that there is no explicit right to abortion in the Constitution and, if the liberal Supreme Court members claim one exists, it will be contrived.
The Democratic Party, with nothing of substance to offer the American people and desperate to stop Trump, has set its sights on Wisconsin’s unverifiable elections.
The Party’s panic as they fail to slow Trump’s momentum is taking them to new lows and Susan Crawford’s election is key to their Wisconsin strategy. On January 13, Crawford participated in a major donor briefing that was billed as a “Time-sensitive chance to put two more seats in play for 2026.” Sponsored by Focus for Democracy, a liberal group that channels money to donor turnout, the invitation recounted how the new liberal majority Supreme Court struck down Wisconsin’s legislative districts in 2023, resulting in a pickup of 14 seats in the state legislature for Democrats in 2024. It further suggested Crawford winning the 2025 Supreme Court race “could also result in Democrats being able to win two additional US House seats, half of the seats needed to win control of the House in 2026.” This was a brazen promise to donors that the Wisconsin Supreme Court with a liberal majority would take up Congressional redistricting which they declined to do in 2024. This attempt to lure big donors with promises of favorable Supreme Court decisions was so outrageous even the liberal New York Times reported on it as an affront to judicial impartiality. Caught in the act, Crawford insults voters by insisting she had no knowledge of how the briefing was being promoted.
There is a reason nearly $60 million will be spent trying to influence the outcome of the April 1 Supreme Court race. National Democratic operatives want to exploit the vulnerabilities in our election system by cheating to win. There is a reason the Wisconsin Supreme Court has heard far fewer cases than would be typical since their liberal majority took control. They want to conceal their liberal political activism from the voters until after their hoped-for majority is secured.
Turnout in spring elections is typically low and Wisconsin voters are once again challenged to mobilize in response to the urgency of the moment and make this election too big to rig. The Wisconsin Supreme Court and the Trump agenda. It’s all on the line.
Let’s get out the Vote to elect Brad Schimel for Supreme Court and Brittany Kinser for Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction on April 1!