The Greenway Fund is an Outagamie County program that offers grants to assist local units of government, within Outagamie County, develop greenway networks that are regional in nature.
A greenway, defined here, is a trail or collection of open space, usually continuous and linear in fashion, found in urban and rural settings, serving various purposes. Examples of greenways include, but are not limited to: bicycle, pedestrian, and other networks (e.g. trails, paths, and lanes) as well as environmental corridors (e.g. wildlife, waterways, or other natural corridors).
Greenway Fund grants are awarded annually, following a competitive application process. Funding requests are limited to 25% of the total project cost. Funds are provided to grant recipients on a reimbursement basis only. Local units of government in Outagamie County are encouraged to apply!
Greenway 2023 Fund – Now Open
The Greenway 2023 Fund is now open and accepting applications through February 3, 2023. In this funding cycle, at least $25,000 will be available. Please contact our department with questions or to further discuss the program, your project, or the application process. Pre-application meetings are available upon request.
Greenway 2022 Fund
The Greenway 2022 Fund application cycle is now closed. Congratulations to the Town of Grand Chute (for S. Casaloma Drive Multi-Use Trail) and the Village of Little Chute (for Ebben Trail)!
Questions? Contact:
Sadie DiNatale Burda, Principal Planner
[email protected]
Development and Land Services
320 S Walnut Street
Appleton, WI 54911