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HomeAppleton City Council Updates and MeetingsArea Student Awarded Wisconsin LEAD Scholarship

Area Student Awarded Wisconsin LEAD Scholarship

APPLETON, WI: Jordon Donnelly, an 18-year-old student from Neenah, was presented a $450 scholarship to attend LEAD Wisconsin at the May 1 meeting of Fox Valley Initiative held at FreedomProject Academy.

Jordon applied for the scholarship by submitting, and then presenting at the meeting, an essay explaining “What Makes America Great?” He focused on the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion, saying America is great because “we are allowed to practice our faiths without being persecuted,” and because “hard work and determination can allow you to be who you want to be to further God’s plan for you.”

14-year-old Ethan Gamble, a homeschool student from the Watertown area, was runner-up for this year’s scholarship. Last year’s scholarship award recipient was 13-year-old Jackson (Jack) Florek, a student from Neenah.

LEAD Wisconsin, a ministry of the Wisconsin Family Council, is a week-long camp experience for teens ages 13 to 19. Built on a unique government and civics platform, LEAD Wisconsin aims to equip teens to become effective, godly leaders who engage the culture from a Biblical perspective. Campers will spend July 16–21, 2023 at Maranatha Baptist University in Watertown, Wisconsin.

Fox Valley Initiative (FVI), a political action committee promoting conservative values in the Fox Valley area, has provided scholarships for LEAD Wisconsin since 2021. Ruth Elmer, FVI’s principal contact for the scholarship effort, noted, “Parents rave about the growth they see in their teens after just one week at LEAD Wisconsin camp. The students enjoy the experience so much, many of them apply for next year’s camp even before this year’s camp is over.”

Upon being named the scholarship recipient, Jordon thanked the members of Fox Valley Initiative for sponsoring him.

Diane Bast
Diane Bast
Diane Bast is a native of Wisconsin and graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh. Before retiring from The Heartland Institute in 2018, she served at various times as senior editor, executive editor, finance manager, and website manager. After retirement, she served for one year on the board of directors of Heartland. She served on the board of directors of the Advocates for Self-Government from 2009 to December 2016. She currently serves as webmaster for Appleton Concerned Taxpayers and other nonprofit organizations.
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