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HomeOpinionAs the Media Panics over a Trump Win They Launch a “Hail...

As the Media Panics over a Trump Win They Launch a “Hail Mary”

The Roosevelt Hotel, an iconic landmark in midtown Manhattan, was forced to close in 2020 due to the financial impact of the COVID pandemic response. In 2023 it was reopened as a migrant arrival center for the masses of illegal immigrants flooding the city.
The Roosevelt Hotel, an iconic landmark in midtown Manhattan, was forced to close in 2020 due to the financial impact of the COVID pandemic response. In 2023 it was reopened as a migrant arrival center for the masses of illegal immigrants flooding the city.

The media seem to be sensing a Donald Trump win on November 5. They are gripped by panic and have launched a “Hail Mary” in a last-ditch effort to deliver a fatal blow to his reelection. It’s a desperation strategy that includes convincing the American people that Trump is mentally unfit for office; keeping the nearly four-year-old January 6 “insurrection” alive to make voters fear that Trump is a threat to democracy; and suppressing and distorting the real news to shield Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from the wrath of the American people for the destruction they have unleashed on our country.

Convince Americans that Trump is Mentally Unfit for Office

The New York Times just published an article entitled “Trump’s Speeches, Increasingly Angry and Rambling, Reignite the Questions of Age.” Co-authored by Peter Baker who appears regularly on MSNBC and makes no effort to mask his animosity for Trump, the article attempts to paint Trump as mentally unfit for office through a “statistical analysis” of his speeches over time.

Their findings: Trump’s rally speeches now last an average of 82 minutes, compared with 45 minutes in 2016. Proportionately, he uses 13 percent more all-or-nothing terms like “always” and “never” than he did eight years ago, which some experts consider a sign of advancing age. Similarly, he uses 32 percent more negative words than positive words now, compared with 21 percent in 2016, which can be another indicator of cognitive change. And he uses swearwords 69 percent more often than he did when he first ran, a trend that could reflect what experts call disinhibition.

Press Watch, a site that describes its mission as creating an informed electorate and holding the powerful accountable, celebrated the Times article as “a red-letter day for journalism.” They correctly observed the New York Times opened the media floodgates on stories about Trump’s mental unfitness and went on to argue that “treating Trump like a normal candidate instead of calling out his dangerous, demented lunacy has got to end.” Much of the mass media enthusiastically agreed. They featured the New York Times “analysis” as if it were legitimate news and embellished it with their own stories.

Keep the “Insurrection” Alive to Make Voters fear that Trump Is a Threat to Democracy

Last Sunday, a regional war was exploding in the Middle East on the eve of the one-year anniversary of Hamas attacking Israel and Hurricane Helene was wreaking havoc while an even more devastating Hurricane Milton was developing off the coast of Florida. CNN, ABC, NBC, and other news outlets determined that a priority topic for their flagship Sunday news shows was whether Donald Trump would accept an election defeat or stage an insurrection. Guests Lara Trump, Co-chair of the Republican National Committee and Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, Senator Tom Cotton, and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson were all hammered relentlessly with questions about the legitimacy of the Biden presidency and whether Donald Trump would peacefully concede if Kamala Harris wins. They wouldn’t “play that game” as Mike Johnson put it and the program hosts could not contain their frustration.

That same day CBS put their glaring lack of integrity on full display when 60 Minutes replaced a Harris rambling “word salad” interview answer with a concise and different response to the question. Viewers became aware and cried foul when a teaser released before the broadcast was carried on Face the Nation with the full word salad included. In another ethics breach intended to help Harris, 60 Minutes presented a lengthy, detailed recounting of their version of why Trump declined to participate in the same episode rather than the customary “Trump declined our offer.” All one has to do to understand why Trump declined is rewatch the Leslie Stahl 60 Minutes “interview” from 2020 (which was actually a debate).

Bob Woodward of Watergate fame is another reporter who makes no attempt to hide his contempt for Trump. He does his best to convince us that Trump aspires to be a dictator and his allegiance is not to our country. In his just released book War, Woodward reports that there have been “maybe as many as seven” calls between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin since Trump left the White House in 2021. He goes on to write that in 2020 Trump had “secretly sent Putin a bunch of Abbott Point of Care Covid test machines for his personal use.” The mass media is enthusiastically reporting the book’s content as headline news. Andrea Mitchell of NBC discounted Trump’s statement that the book is filled with lies by expressing her own opinion that Woodward is more credible than Trump.

An endless parade of “Republicans for Harris” is regularly showcased by the media. They claim love of country and fear of a Trump dictatorship are their motivators. The media seems unaware of the contempt true conservatives have for these pretenders and repeatedly express hope that the “courage” shown by these self-serving losers will give “permission” to conservatives and independents to vote for Harris.

Suppress and Distort the Real News

The state of the country and the world are bad news for the Biden/Harris legacy and the Harris run for the presidency. Their ideology, policies and incompetence have brought real harm to the American people along with the threats of a dangerous more volatile world. The media is functioning like an arm of the Harris campaign and trying to convince us otherwise.

Every day the media reinforces why so few Americans trust a word they say. They ignore news that will be damaging to Harris, selectively report events to cast a favorable light on bad situations, and “fact check” those who expose the failures of the Biden/Harris administration. Misinformation and disinformation have become popular codewords for their attempts to censor those who expose the things they are trying to suppress.

Management of two destructive hurricanes that made landfall within a period of weeks and the Biden/Harris policies that allowed millions of unvetted illegal migrants into our country have been connected and called out by angry Americans who expect the government to place the needs and welfare of Americans above all else. The media has been working hard to refute and suppress the truth as they try to drag Harris over the finish line. The facts speak for themselves.

Last April, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced $300 million in grants for communities providing services for migrants and another $340.9 million competitive grant program. Last year they awarded $780 million for the same purpose. They recently announced they are asking Congress for an additional $1.4 billion for the “needed tools and resources to respond to historic global migration.”

The influx of more than 10 million illegal migrants into the country, a direct result of Biden/Harris policies, has placed tremendous stress on cities and towns all across the nation. The conversion of the once iconic Roosevelt Hotel in New York City into a “migrant arrival center” is one stark reminder of how radically Biden/Harris have transformed our country in less than 4 years. The Roosevelt was forced to close after 100 years as a result of the financial toll of the Biden/Harris COVID mandates, another major Biden/Harris failure.

On October 7, Politico reported that Joe Biden and Secretary of DHS Alejandro Mayorkas each announced FEMA’s disaster funds are within weeks of running out of cash. Mayorkas said FEMA “does not have the funds to make it through the (hurricane) season,” which ends November 30.

FEMA’s daily operations briefing also reported its urban search and rescue operations are “not mission capable” with only 4 teams available.

On October 4, Biden announced he is sending nearly $157 million in new aid to Lebanon for humanitarian relief in response to Israel’s retaliatory attacks on terrorists in the country.

As Americans were being crushed by the devastation of Hurricane Helene, there was growing outrage at the inadequacy of the response and the reports that FEMA is not prepared to meet future needs. Social media lit up with Americans railing against taxpayer money going to support illegal migrants and aiding other countries while our own people suffer. One allegation that migrants are receiving $2,200 a month while hurricane victims were eligible for $750 for emergency needs caught fire.

Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic Congresswoman and now Trump supporter, was on the ground in North Carolina helping with emergency response. Her non-profit “We Must Protect” Foundation contributed $400,000 to recovery efforts. Few in the media were willing to cover her and other rescue volunteers who reported the inadequacy of the response. Gabbard called out the need for “strong and steady leadership” and the gaps she was witnessing firsthand in the government response.

The media as expected bypassed honest investigative journalism to prop up Harris. A sampling of their reporting is no surprise.

The Associated Press (AP) in an article entitled “No, Migrants do not Receive $2,200 Each Month from the Government” detailed the many forms of cash assistance that are provided to migrants but stressed none of these provide a regular $2,200 monthly check. Certain groups “do receive cash assistance from the government, though at much lower levels than those being claimed online.” In addition migrants receive housing, food, health care and other non-cash benefits provided by American taxpayers.

Dana Bash on CNN’s State of the Union vigorously argued with Lara Trump about aid to illegal migrants taking precedence over American citizens. Though she admitted the money for migrants is coming from DHS, she claimed it was from a different “tranche” (pot of money), a position reiterated by many in the media as if it mattered.

In response to criticism of Biden being on the beach in Delaware and Harris in California fundraising during Helene, on Wednesday the administration staged a televised Biden/Harris “briefing” on the preparations for hurricane Milton in a failed attempt to make Harris look engaged and presidential. The media tried to deflect attention away from the Biden/Harris administration’s performance and focused instead on Trump’s “lies.” Biden declared Trump “un-American” and the media echoed him in all of their reporting. Their dishonesty and political bias have no bounds.

The strong and growing support for Donald Trump is not difficult to understand. The American people have made it clear we expect “America First” from our leaders, a concept often villainized by liberal extremists. It is fundamental. Our first responsibility is to our own citizens much the same as our first responsibility as individuals is to our families. All other considerations are secondary. Trump understands the importance of “America First.” He delivered it in his first term and he will deliver it again. Vote for Donald Trump for President of the United States and Eric Hovde for Wisconsin Senator on November 5.



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