2025 Congressional Art Competition
This week, I announced that my office is accepting entries for the 2025 Congressional Art Competition! High school students who attend school or reside in the Eighth Congressional District are invited to participate. The required forms and competition rules can be found on my website. All signed documents and art must be delivered to my District Office by 5:00pm on Monday, April 7th, 2025. I look forward to seeing the outstanding artwork from students throughout the district! If you have any questions, please contact my District Office at 920-301-4500.
Honoring a Local Legend: Bill Jartz
Earlier this week one of Northeastern Wisconsin’s most recognizable broadcasters announced that he would be retiring from WBAY after a career that spanned more than four decades. That’s right, Green Bay’s very own Bill Jartz will be signing off for the last time this coming May. Chances are, you probably know Bill Jartz, or you’d at least recognize his voice. In addition to anchoring the evening news at WBAY, Bill Jartz is also known for emceeing, speaking, and judging countless local fundraisers for charitable organizations throughout the community. In fact, he has a reputation for never saying no to any charitable cause where he can help make a difference – racking up over 5,000 hours of community service throughout his career. While we will all miss seeing his nightly news coverage, thankfully, we will still get to hear “the voice of Lambeau Field” during Packer home games. Yesterday, I gave a speech on the House Floor recognizing Bill for all he has done for our community and congratulating him on his upcoming retirement.
Click HERE to watch my speech on the House Floor recognizing a true Wisconsin icon, Bill Jartz, who announced his retirement from WBAY this coming May.
Committee Update
Small Business
Connecting fresh talent with opportunities
On Wednesday, I spoke in support of the Connecting Small Businesses with Career and Technical Education Graduates Act, which I am a cosponsor of, during our markup in the Small Business Committee. This bill will help students who have completed a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program by providing them with resources to put their skills to use in the job market, connecting them with employers, and teaching them how to start their own small businesses. In Wisconsin, we have over 250,000 high school students who have taken at least one CTE course. Students who have taken two or more CTE courses graduated high school at a rate five percent higher than Wisconsin’s state average. These students are motivated and ready to contribute to our economy in a wide variety of industries. I am proud to support this legislation to help students as they transition into the workforce and was pleased to see it pass out of committee with unanimous support. Click here to watch my remarks.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Air Apparent: Better traffic control on the horizon
This week the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Subcommittee on Aviation held its first ‘America Builds’ hearing, titled “Air Traffic Control (ATC) System Infrastructure and Staffing”. We heard from a great panel of experts from across the aviation industry on the critical need to modernize air traffic control systems and ensure they are adequately staffed by qualified controllers. A recent study by the Government Accountability Office found that of the 138 ATC systems across the country, 51 (37%) were deemed unsustainable. An additional 54 (39%) were potentially unsustainable by the FAA, which critically impacts the safety and efficiency of our national airspace. As vice-chair of the subcommittee, I look forward to working with Chairman Nehls and the rest of the committee to address these and other pressing issues facing our aviation systems to ensure air travel remains the safest method of transportation in our country.

Recent Legislation
It’s time to kill the death tax
I’m proud to co-sponsor the Death Tax Repeal Act, led by Rep. Randy Feenstra. This bipartisan bill will permanently repeal the death tax, stopping the IRS from double-dipping into the pockets of grieving families. As a small business owner, I’ve seen firsthand how families fight to keep their legacies alive. But for too many, the death tax turns that fight into a losing battle. This unfair tax hits family farms and small businesses with a crushing burden, sometimes over 40% of an estate’s value, right after losing a loved one. I’m fighting to protect Wisconsin families from this outdated policy and ensure their hard work endures for generations.
Retiring the senior citizen double tax
Each year millions of Americans become eligible for Social Security retirement benefits. After working for decades, paying taxes on their hard-earned income to fund the federal government’s programs, some seniors are forced to pay income tax yet again on those same benefits. Taxing cash-strapped seniors twice to receive the benefits they already paid for is wrong and it needs to stop. That’s why I signed on to Rep. Massie’s (KY-04) Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act, which will put an end to the practice of double taxing our senior citizens.
Tele-Town Hall
I am excited to announce that I will be hosting my first Tele-Town Hall this coming Monday, March 10th at 6:45pm CST. I look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have!