AB 36 creates a clear timeline by which sexual assault kits must be processed once they are received by the state crime lab.
AB 49 extends current law legal exemptions for people with disabled parking plates or special identification cards to include parking spots on University of Wisconsin System campuses.
protection grants, and river protection grants.
AB 94 eliminates statutory language for Tax Incremental District (TID) 2 in Pleasant Prairie.
AB 131 resolves the confusion and ambiguity in the statutory requirements of land conservation committees that the Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) 2021 decision created.
To hear me talk about protecting consumer choice, click here or on the photo above.
AB 142 prohibits state agencies and local units of government from banning the use or sale of motor vehicles based on their energy source.
Across the country, we are seeing different cities and states trying to restrict consumer choice in the types of vehicles they drive and appliances they use. ABs 141 and 142 work to protect consumers’ rights to choose.
SB 13 eliminates the land recycling loan program, which has not provided loans since 2008.
SB 36 revises current statutory language for the Department of Tourism regarding their reporting
responsibilities and it repeals other obsolete mandates:
SB 76 defines carjacking in statute and reclassifies carjacking with use or threat of a dangerous weapon as a Class B felony.
To hear Rep. Snyder fight to hold criminals accountable for the crimes they commit, click here or on the photo above.
Listening Sessions Announced
Get excited! I will be hosting two listening sessions in the district next month! The locations/times will be:
Saturday, May 20th, at 10:30 AM at the Lester Public Library in Two Rivers (Community Room) and Monday, May 22nd, at 5:30 PM at the De Pere Library (Kress Branch – Emil Gail Fischer Room).
The intention behind a listening session is to understand any opportunities or challenges surrounding a topic as community members perceive them. Anyone is welcome to attend the listening session and contribute ideas that they would like to bring to the attention of the state. I hope to see you there!
2023 Business Friend of the Environment Awards – Nominate Today!
The Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Association is now accepting nominations for the 33rd Annual Business Friend of the Environment Awards! If you are not familiar with this award, it highlights what Wisconsin companies are doing to demonstrate environmental leadership.
Winners will be selected in each of these three categories:
• Sustainability
• Use of innovative technology
• Environmental stewardship
In each category, an award will be given to a small, medium, and large business.
Applications may be submitted online by going to www.wmc.org/bfoe and clicking “Nominate a Company.” To be considered, a nominator must submit a completed nomination form along with a 1-2 page narrative of the project description (Microsoft Word preferred), a company logo, and 2-3 project photos. Alternatively, you can also e-mail a completed PDF nomination form and other required application materials to [email protected]. The deadline to apply is Monday, May 22, 2023.
TC Energy Scholarship Opportunity
TC Energy is awarding STEM scholarships to students studying science, engineering, technology, or math academic disciplines relevant to the energy industry. Trade scholarships include concentrations in electrical, pipefitting, welding, heavy equipment servicing, industrial mechanics (millwrights), precision metal fabrication, plumbing, carpentry, and automotive servicing. If you’re interested in applying, the link to apply is listed below.
Link to Apply: TC Energy – Scholarships U.S.
Application Deadline – May 5th 11:59 PST. Award – End of July. Amount – up to $5,000

In-District Events
Sunday, April 30th, will be the Pancake and Porkie Breakfast at the Larrabee’s Sportsman’s Club (16306 Harpt Lake Rd., Mishicot) from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
May 7th will be the Booyah Drive-Thru Sale at the Way-Morr County Park in Greenleaf from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Each scoop of booyah/brat/hamburger will be $3.50. All customers are asked to bring their own containers to purchase the booyah.
Friday, May 12th, and Saturday, May 13th, will be the Village Wide Rummage Sale in Mishicot. On Friday, the sale will last from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturday, it will go from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Head on down to the library for some friendly competition! Every Tuesday from 6-7:30pm, the Lester Public Library in Two Rivers (1001 Adam St.) hosts a Family Game Night. Games and popcorn are provided.