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HomeAppleton City Council Updates and MeetingsAppleton City Council Update: December 1, 2024

Appleton City Council Update: December 1, 2024

Well, welcome to December, Neighbors! That sure snuck up on us, didn’t it?

This first week of December is Full Council Week in City of Appleton government, so of course there is a full council meeting on Wednesday. In addition, there are a couple of special committee meetings scheduled just before the full council meeting to get a few items voted on twice in this one evening. Here is what will be discussed:

Wednesday, 12/04/2024

Finance Committee – Special Meeting – 6:30pmThere are only two action items on the agenda for this committee’s special meeting — 1) to award a contract for the water main reconstruction that’s required before the state department of transportation reconstructs the I41/Ballard Road interchange and 2) to award a contract for the sealing of some cracks in a leaking tunnel at the Appleton Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWWTP).

Parks and Recreation Committee – Special Meeting – 6:45pm There is a report in the “action items” portion of this committee’s agenda which does not need approval. So it’s likely that this item just should have been in the “information items” portion of the agenda. The one action item then is the potential approval of the Reid Golf Course rates for 2025. There are no proposed daily fee increases, the addition of some “junior” reduced daily rates (for golfers aged 17 and under), an increase in senior weekday pass rates (for golfers aged 62 and over), and modest increases on all annual passes. The memo accompanying the proposed rates calls out that annual pass increases are due to increased costs for operations, utilities, credit card fees, and capital improvement projects at the golf course. The proposed 2025 rates seem fair and reasonable to me… but I’m not a regular golfer. If you are, take a look at the proposal and tell me what you think.

City of Appleton Common Council – 7pm Since there were no committee meetings last week, there is very little on the agenda for this week’s meeting. There are no items — not even one proclamation! — in the “Business Presented by the Mayor” section of the agenda. The above items from the Parks and Recreation and Finance Committee special meetings detailed above and a few ordinances regarding minor parking restrictions/changes on a couple city streets are truly all that will be available for discussion and voting upon this week!

If you have any comments or concerns on the above items, please let me know before Wednesday. And of course, if you have any other city-government-related questions, comments, or concerns, please also reach out to me. I’m always happy to hear from you and help in any way that I can.

I hope that your first week of December goes well and that you will stop by again next week for perhaps a more exciting alderman blog post! Thanks for tuning in this week for this short Full Council Meeting Week installment.

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