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HomeAppleton Community News: Latest Press Releases and UpdatesSchara vs. Ascension Health, et al. Q90 Podcast Overview

Schara vs. Ascension Health, et al. Q90 Podcast Overview

Big picture –

Who? Grace Schara was our 19-year-old daughter who had Down Syndrome

What? She was medically murdered on October 13, 2021; she was given three contraindicated meds (Precedex, Lorazepam, and Morphine) which euthanized her; the doctor put an illegal DNR on her chart the morning of her death

Where? Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital, Appleton, Wisconsin

When? On October 13, 2021; the wrongful death lawsuit was filed on April 11, 2023; the jury trial begins on June 2, 2025

Why/How? In my podcast, ‘Deprogramming with Grace’s dad’, I explore the answers to these critical questions.

The Podcast Interview

On Monday, January 13, I was invited to be interviewed on ‘Stand Up For The Truth’, a live radio podcast of Q90. This station and staff have been extremely supportive of our mission since we began in December of 2022. They were one of the first to believe Grace was murdered.

The interview gives a good overview of what happened to Grace and the lawsuit and helps frame the alarm we are sounding to save lives. Please take the time to listen and share with friends. We are only four and a half months away from the jury trial and would like as many prayers and supporters as possible.

Grace was treated inhumanely – strapped down and euthanized; an illegal DNR order. Grace was a gift from the Lord. Grace is one of millions who have been murdered in hospitals. Her case represents all those who don’t have the opportunity to let the world know what is going on behind the curtain.

Even though we are up against “City Hall” and they are bigger than us, we know “God’s got this” – as Grace would say, and He is truly bigger than them. We’re in this battle because of the doors God has opened and we know He has a plan for what He wants to accomplish with this lawsuit. We are thankful and humbled to be part of the process.

Finally, our current lawsuit is a civil lawsuit for wrongful death. In the first release of deposition transcripts, I explained what we are hoping for from this case, along with the various hurdles to jump over. When you read these details, you can get a glimpse of God’s hand in this process.

An extremely important footnote…the criminal route is open to all because there is no statute of limitations on murder. I would encourage everyone to get the hospital records of their loved ones and have them reviewed. We have resources on Grace’s website to facilitate the review process. Then, formally contact your District Attorney with the evidence. We each have a voice in this fight against evil.

Here’s the radio podcast link. I welcome your feedback.


Grace’s lawsuit is lifting the veil of deception concealing approximately 1,700,000 deaths, annually in America (excluding the murder of the pre-born), as a direct result of the evil practices of the medical industrial establishment. That’s 61% of the total annual deaths – 142,000 new medical murders every single month. Medical murder is the number one cause of death in America.

When man turns away from God’s laws, God’s judgment is certain. This consequence is the reason our country is experiencing evil like we’ve never seen in history. God warned us this would happen in Revelation 18:23:

For your merchants were the most important people of the earth, because with your pharmakeia they deceived all the nations.

The only way out of this mess is repentance. Repentance of what? For trusting in man and believing that by chasing knowledge we can be like God. We are being bombarded with false prophets and “knowledge” at an alarming pace, as God prophesied would happen in Daniel 12 and Revelation 13 and Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24.

Repentance of even one doctor, or nurse, would save more lives than any lawsuit. “For nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)

Our family wishes each of you God’s blessing.



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