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HomeWisconsin Political News & Local Government News5th Assembly District Update: January 26, 2024

5th Assembly District Update: January 26, 2024

Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus
Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus
Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus
Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus
Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus Cut Taxes - Return the Surplus

One Step Closer to Protecting Children

Wisconsin State Rep. Joy Goeben press release on passage of bill criminalizing sex dolls.

At The Capitol

Assembly January 25th

AJR104           Edming / Quinn
Relating to: celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the American Birkebeiner and proclaiming February 19 to 25, 2024,
as American Birkebeiner Week in Wisconsin.

AJR105           Wittke / Tomczyk
Relating to: declaring the week of January 21 to 27, 2024, School Choice Week and recognizing the right of parents to select the best educational path for their children.

SJR72              Knodl / Melotik
Relating to: supporting the people of Iran in their quest for a democratic government.

AB34              Magnafici / Quin
Relating to: restrictions on baiting deer in counties based on chronic wasting disease or bovine tuberculosis.
AB35              Mursau / James
Relating to: modifying the designation of a free fishing weekend in January.
AB124            Dallman / Wanggaard
Relating to: the definition of public zoos and aquariums for purposes of captive wildlife regulations.
AB130            Callahan / Cowles
Relating to: modifying administrative rules related to supplemental aid for snowmobile trail maintenance and granting rule-making authority.
AB137            Green / Stafsholt
Relating to: establishing a statewide wolf population goal.
AB169            Oldenburg / Marklein
Relating to: membership of the Agricultural Education and Workforce Development Council in the Department of Workforce Development.
AB216            Swearingen / Stafsholt
Relating to: passenger restrictions on all-terrain vehicles.
AB217            Swearingen / Stafsholt
Relating to: whip lights on all-terrain and utility terrain vehicles.
AB222            Oldenburg / Quinn
Relating to: a pre-disaster flood resilience grant program.
AB230            Krug / Testin
Relating to: recreational vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and dealers, the definition of recreational vehicles, and providing a penalty.
AB253            Mursau / Cowles
Relating to: public access to wetlands benefitting from the in lieu fee subprogram.
AB270            Bodden / Stroebel
Relating to: hunter education requirements for persons under the age of 18 and granting rule-making authority.
AB291            Duchow / Ballweg
Relating to: waiting period for marriage after divorce judgment.
AB329            Goeben / James
Relating to: child sex dolls and providing a penalty.

AB354            Callahan / Tomczyk
Relating to: warning lights on public utility, telecommunications carrier, or cooperative vehicles.
AB414            Steffen / Knodl
Relating to: public funds for substantially identical materials distributed by state senators and representatives to the assembly prior to a general election and providing a penalty.
AB430            Summerfield / James
Relating to: the transportation of fish taken by hook and line.
AB440            Kurtz / Ballweg
Relating to: permits for the overweight transport of certain fluid milk products.
AB480            Schutt / Tomczyk
Relating to: eligibility for farmland preservation tax credits.
AB512            Green / Quinn
Relating to: hunting wild animals with the aid of a dog, dog training on wild animals, and dog trialing on wild animals in the northern portion of the state.
AB559            Bodden / Wanggaard
Relating to: caller identification spoofing, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB562            Tranel / Marklein
Relating to: adding rural emergency medical services providers to the Emergency Medical Services Board.
AB617            O’Connor / Knodl
Relating to: the licensing and regulation by the Department of Financial Institutions of consumer lenders, payday lenders, money transmitters, sales finance companies, collection agencies, mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers, adjustment service companies, community currency exchanges, and insurance premium finance companies; the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry; modifying and repealing rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions; and granting rule-making authority.
AB625            Spiros / Tomczyk
Relating to: office requirements for motor vehicle wholesaler licensees.
AB687            Schutt / Felzkowski
Relating to: value-based purchasing arrangements under the Medical Assistance program.
AB690            Summerfield / Cabral-Guevara
Relating to: student qualification for employment as a nurse aide.
AB890            Wittke / Testin
Relating to:  fund of funds investment program.
AB914            Snyder / James
Relating to: the supply and use of short-acting bronchodilators on school premises or at a school-sponsored event.

Committee Work

Assembly Committee on Regulation & Licensing


Assembly Bill 959
Relating to: the Occupational Therapy Examining Board.

Assembly Bill 752
Relating to: license fee exemptions for a dog that is a service animal.


Assembly Bill 851
Relating to: license requirement exemption for retail food establishments that sell or process cotton candy. Passed 9-0
By Representative Goeben

Assembly Bill 822
Relating to: eligibility to receive occupational credentials for recipients of deferred action under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Passed 9-0

Assembly Committee on Housing and Real Estate

Wisconsin State Rep. Joy Goeben hears testimony in the Housing and Real Estate Committee

This week I listened to testimony in the Housing and Real Estate Committee


Assembly Bill 969
Relating to: the county sale of tax-deeded lands.


Assembly Bill 444
Relating to: declaring discriminatory restrictions in instruments that affect real property void and unenforceable and allowing an owner of real property to discharge and release such a discriminatory restriction.

Assembly Bill 621
Relating to: temporary limited easements for construction crane booms that pass over adjacent real property.

Assembly Bill 197
Relating to: procedures for reviewing commercial building plans.

Assembly Bill 198
Relating to: local government review of commercial building plans.

Assembly Bill 199
Relating to: permission to start construction of a commercial building before plan approval.

Assembly Bill 277
Relating to: the amount and distribution of the real estate transfer fee.
Assembly Bill 689
Relating to: pay for performance grant requirements, use of public lands to provide temporary residence for the homeless, and providing a penalty.

Assembly Bill 918
Relating to: various changes regarding the laws governing real estate practice, disclosures regarding real property wholesalers, and providing a penalty.

2023-24 State of Wisconsin Blue Books are here.

Blue Books Are Still Available!

District #5 Residents, please contact my office for your copy while supplies last.

Click Here to Follow My Work in the Assembly

Upcoming Events in District 5

Seymour HS Baseball
4th Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser: January 27th
10:00 am to 4:30 pm
Seymour High School

Ashwaubenon 2024 Village Wide Rummage Sale
Registration open now until March 29th

T.A.A.G. Spring Four Wheeler Raffle Fundraiser: Saturday, April 6, 2024
11:00 AM – 4pm
Maloney’s N1994 Maloney Rd. Kaukauna
Get tickets ahead by calling Ray Dana (920) 544-1448
All proceeds support Wisconsin Veterans and First Responders

The Seymour HS Baseball Program is hosting their 4th Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser and need your help!

Come out to the SHS Cafeteria and experience our full showroom of high-quality mattresses, custom-made after each fundraiser!

We carry brands like Simmons Beautyrest, Beautyrest Black, and Malouf at a fraction of the price.

Many mattresses are made right here in Wisconsin!!! 10/12/15/20 year warranties available.

This is Wisconsin’s BEST KEPT SECRET for buying adjustable bed and split king sleep systems!!!

This is ONE DAY only, so we need your help!! SPREAD THE WORD by inviting all of your family and friends. Every purchase benefits the SHS Baseball Students!!! Let’s help the kids!!!! #beds4seymour2024

Ashwaubenon 2024 Village Wide Rummage Sale

Do you know of an event in District 5?

Please contact my office with any upcoming events. I look forward to sharing your event details in the next Goeben Gazette.

Click Here to Sign Up for My E-Update

Contact Information

My staff and I are here to serve you. If you have general questions or concerns regarding legislative matters, or if you need assistance with a state agency, please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you!

We are also happy to schedule a meeting with you, either here in Madison, or in District 5.
Representative Joy Goeben
State Capitol, Room 209 North
PO Box 8952
Madison, WI 53708
[email protected]
(608) 237-9105 or Toll Free (888) 534-0005

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